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Lunes, 16 Septiembre 2024 10:12

Universities in Colombia commemorate the 70th anniversary of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Colombia, september 2024. The European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) located in Geneva, Switzerland, is one of the largest physics research centers in the world. The Universidad Antonio Nariño (UAN) has been part of the international collaboration of the different experiments carried out at the Large Particle Collider since 2006, which has allowed us to contribute to science, generate international collaborations, make school and make visible the results where our researchers have contributed to the progress of science. projects.

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This year, to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of CERN, the universities of the country that are part of the different projects will join virtually on September 16, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the challenges and lessons learned from their participation. In this space, national and international experts will have the opportunity to share their experiences.

For UAN, this celebration is of great importance, since it is the first institution in the country to be part of the prestigious scientific collaboration of the “ATLAS” experiment, one of the four large experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This collaboration was accepted by the center in 2006, under the leadership of Dr. Marta Losada, leader of the experimental research group High Energy Physics.

Since then, the University's participation has been led by outstanding researchers such as Gabriela Navarro (PhD), current group leader, Deywis Moreno (PhD) and Yohany Rodríguez (MSc), who have actively worked on key contributions within the ATLAS experiment.

The impact of UAN's collaboration with CERN has allowed its researchers to participate in important discoveries, such as the Higgs boson, in addition to gaining experience in using advanced technological tools for data analysis and scientific instrumentation, consolidated in the UAN Detector Laboratory. These collaborations are fundamental for the training of students in areas such as high-energy physics, strengthening their capabilities, and contributing to the creation of a new generation of scientists in Colombia.

During the last few years, UAN has led projects to create a community and bring physics closer to diverse audiences, strengthening ties between Europe and Latin America. An example of this is La-Conga Physics (, which conducted courses, workshops, seminars, and master classes in different countries, with the participation of schools, universities, science centers, and all those interested in physics.

UAN will continue with its commitment to bring physics closer to different audiences. If you are interested in joining us, we look forward to seeing you on September 16, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. at the following link:

Modificado por última vez en Jueves, 03 Octubre 2024 11:29